Eusebio Gonzales-Melebe: Violent fugitive's been busted for rape, baseball bat beating, and bloody stabbbing

EUSEBIOWANTED BY DOC IN KING COUNTY -- A high-risk sex offender and high-violent offender is on the run in King County.’ Like his mug shot, Department of Corrections officers say level three sex offender, Eusebio Gonzales-Melebe was smiling and laughing as he violently raped a woman he preyed on at a party -- biting her all over her body as well. He's also a child predator -- convicted of Communicating with a Minor for Immoral Purposes. And, he's a high-violent offender who's been busted for beating a man with a baseball bat, and a bloody bar attack that almost made him a murderer. “He got into an argument over a game of pool with the victim,” says DOC Ofc. Emily Isaacs. “The victim ended up getting stabbed multiple times, and left in an alley to bleed. Police found him and he had to be taken to the hospital with very severe injuries. They police later found the blood-stained knife in his apartment. He had called several witnesses requesting that they get rid of the knife. One witness said that he admitted to stabbing the guy then told him not to tell a soul. He's dangerous. He clearly has an established, violent history. We need to find him as soon as possible and get him in jail." Eusebio Gonzalez-Melebe is 57 years old and goes by many versions of his name. He has several tattoos on his arms and a long scar across the middle of his forehead. If you know how to get this missing high-violent offender and high-risk rapist back on the map in King County, call an anonymous tip into: CRIME STOPPERS: 1-800-222-TIPS You must call the Crime Stoppers hotline with your tip to be eligible to receive a cash reward for information leading to a fugitive’s arrest. CLICK HERE for information on how to TEXT A TIP to Crime Stoppers.