#1 fan gets personalized thank-you card, gift from Ichiro

Amy Franz may not be a household name, but she is well known to attendees of Mariners' game -- and one famous player, former right-fielder and lead-off batter Ichiro.
Franz, otherwise known as the Ichi-Meter lady, tweeted yesterday: "OMG! I just got a package from former @mariners Ichiro! Almost passed out in the middle of the living room!"
It seems that Franz' meter, which tracked every one of Ichiro's hits, didn't go unnoticed by the ball player. In a move that can only be described as classy, kind and gracious, Ichiro sent Franz a personal thank-you note, autographed bat and cleats.
The note read: "Dear Amy: Thank you for your loyal support during my career in Seattle. Your unique and faithful way of cheering was a constant inspiration to me. Although the color of my spikes have now changed, I would appreciate your keeping a pair from my Mariners' years. Best, Ichiro."
And Franz also proves she's no fairweather fan, posting on her Ichimeter Facebook page: "I will continue to track Ichiro's career hits via Facebook/Twitter even though he is no longer a Mariner."

Courtesy @ichimeterlady