A half-dozen trees fall on couple's home: 'We always wanted trees in our back yard...'

GRANITE FALLS, Wash. – Tuesday’s powerful winds toppled a half-dozen trees directly into the Granite Falls home of Charlotte and Louis Keeton.

The Keetons said they were watching television when the trees fell; miraculously, no one was injured.

Charlotte said her husband had just finished baking in the kitchen. Now the room is covered with insulation and debris.

“We were blessed, and that’s all there is to it,” Louis said of escaping injury.

Both the living room and kitchen were destroyed after the trees fell into their home. At first, Charlotte didn’t know what had happened.

“It was this huge bang and the house shook and I’m like, wow, the lightning really hit the house,” she said. “My husband got up, turned the corner and said, ‘No, a tree came through.'”

Trees all over their neighborhood swayed in the strong winds. Neighbor Uriah Cornell managed to record one tree falling right next to him.

“I was thinking, Oh gosh, it’s going to hit my truck, and it missed the truck,” he said. “I think it might have scraped some paint off.”

Only one lane was open into the neighborhood as more fallen trees snapped power lines on Mountain Loop Highway.

Generators were providing energy for several families in the neighborhood on Wednesday evening.

The Keetons had just moved into the neighborhood last spring. Now Charlotte and Louis are picking up the pieces and salvaging what they can.

“After waiting for a home for so long, it’s kind of devastating and hard, but we will survive,” said Charlotte. “We’re OK and God blessed us with this one; he’ll bless us with another one.”

And she was able to keep her humor amid the devastation.

"We always wanted trees in our back yard -- we got them now," she said.

The Keetons said they plan to rebuild their home.

Power crews all over Snohomish County were scrambling to repair many damaged energy lines.