Budget deal reached; 'Washington will be at work Monday,' governor says
OLYMPIA -- State lawmakers said Thursday they reached a deal on a 2013-15 state budget.
Political analyst C.R. Douglas said lawmakers announced they reached terms to a deal around 11:15 a.m. Thursday. A final vote on the deal is expected sometime Friday, and a budget would be passed for the governor to sign by 5 p.m Friday.
Gov. Jay Inslee said the state government successfully avoided a shut down through political compromise.
"Lawmakers have reached an agreement on an operating budget for the next biennium," Inslee said. "Washington will be at work Monday."
David Postman, the communications director for the governor, said he was unsure on the final terms of the budget deal. He also said there were still bills -- like a transportation bill and sweeping legislation on harsher DUI penalties -- that would be dealt with in the remainder of the special session. However, the operating budget took precedent.
"The operating budget was the most important thing until now," Postman said.
This is a breaking story and will be updated as more information becomes available.