Cursing is good for you, but maybe NOT the kids
SEATTLE - Cursing is good for us.
The author of a new book called "In Praise Of Profanity" said cursing has benefits. Michael Adams, Provost Professor Of English Language Literature at Indiana University, wrote that the bad words might actually bring us together.
"From everything from every day speech to the highest form of art you`ll find profanity useful," Adams told Q13 Fox News via Skype.
Adams said he studied slang for a long time and found an overlap between slang and profanity. While studying profanity, he determined profanity's benefits are primarily social.
"We can use it to build solidarity within groups because we know who we can trust and swear around," Adams said.
But should you go as far as teaching your kids to curse?
"It`s a lot more complicated than that," Adams clarified. "There`s a right place and a right time for modeling profanity for kids, just like there is a right place and a right time to use profanity in your own speech ."
While Adams said he's not telling you to teach your kids to curse, maybe we shouldn't be worried.
"If you don`t want your kids to swear, don`t swear around them." Adams said. "But, they`re going to swear whether you swear around them or not at a certain age. They`re going to pick up words, they`re going to pick up the patterns, and they`re going to experiment with it with their friends."
Of course we all learn bad words at some point. So how do parents get ahead of the issue if they don't want their kids cursing?
Child psychologist, Dr. Gregory Jantz weighed in on Q13 News This Morning. Watch the video above to hear what he had to say.