Doctors from around world gather for Pediatric Bioethics Conference here
SEATTLE -- More than 200 doctors from across the world will gather here Friday and Saturday for the Pediatric Bioethics Conference to talk about our kids, their health and how to best take care of them.
Ten-year-old Sarah Murnaghan grabbed the nation's attention in June. The little girl’s parents sued to get her on an adult transplant list.
Sarah got her lungs, but has since needed another transplant and still has a long road ahead.
It's cases like Sarah's that puzzle even the best medical minds: How to handle sick kids, and help their parents make difficult decisions.
“There are many cases where we're not sure what the right answer is,” said Dr. Ben Wilfond of Seattle Children’s Hospital.
Doctor's at Seattle Children's want to make sure their colleagues around the country are prepared for these cases.
In 2005, the hospital opened a first of its kind pediatric bioethics program.
And each year the group brings together experts in medicine to look for solutions to ethical dilemmas.
“One example has to do with a family who doesn't want dialysis for their young child and how the clinicians should navigate that decision,” Wilfond said.
The theme of this year's conference: Cases that keep us awake at night.
Wilfond says sometimes even doctors need advice.
“It helps us realize we're not alone struggling with this. When we bring people from around the country, we all struggle with these together and I think that helps us realize how difficult this is, but the more we talk, the better we get at it.”
Click on live webcast to watch the conference on Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.