Going beyond protect and serve; SPD officers help elderly robbery victim
SEATTLE – An elderly man gets a helping hand from Seattle police. He was the victim of a robbery. While responding, officers noticed the man didn’t have heat inside his home, and he was almost out of food.
“There are calls sometimes where you as a human being just cannot go on without doing something,” Officer Mullens explained. “There is police protocol and then there is human protocol.”
“Officer Caron heard the request and immediately brought over two warm coats for our victim,” a second officer said. “We had another officer stay with our victim while Officer Mullens and I went to the grocery store to purchase nonperishable goods for him because he did not have a functioning refrigerator."
"We're there,” Office Caron said. “Were inside a lot of people's homes and see all their problems and usually we don't get a chance to fix something that's simple but in this case we did.”
That man is being connected with community services. Police have not identified the robbery suspect.