Lakewood officer connected to embezzling scheme fired

LAKEWOOD, Wash. -- A former Lakewood police officer connected to a scheme to steal money from a memorial fund for fallen officers was fired from the Lakewood Police Department Friday, officials said.

Officer Brian Wurts had been on paid administrative leave since Feb. 9, 2012 while investigations were conducted into his connection with thefts committed by Skeeter Manos, a Lakewood police officer who pleaded guilty in 2012 to stealing more than $100,000 from a fund for families of slain Lakewood officers.

The LPD asked the Tacoma Police Department to conduct a criminal investigation to determine if any crimes were committed by Wurts. The investigation did not result in charges. However, an internal investigation from LPD found Wurts guilty of misconduct in relation to the Lakewood Police Department Manual of Standards, the LPD said.

The LPD declined to answer questions on the firing pending possible appeals from Wurts and pending litigation.