Non-profit raises money to fund 2 bullet-resistant vests for new Tacoma PD K9s
TACOMA, Wash. - The non-profit Keeping K-9s in Kevlar has raised funds to get two bullet-resistant vests for Tacoma Police Department's newly-certified K9s, Colt and Odin.
TPD announced that the two K9s were certified on Jan. 6 after completing over 400 hours of training.
Now, they're in the field and are assisting patrol officers with tracking suspects, clearing buildings and finding evidence.
The vests will help protect them against bullets, stabbings and shrapnel.
Each vest costs $2,480, so a total of $4,900 was needed to fund both K9s.
Typically, non-profits are the reason departments receive these vests
Organizers say 13 donors helped them reach their goal in just a few hours.