Prayer vigil at Seattle church promotes peace, not violence
SEATTLE -- A prayer vigil was held outside First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Seattle on Monday.
Faith leaders, community leaders and political leaders were in attendance, calling for justice for People of Color. Pastor Carey Anderson reminded the community why they're protesting, so the message doesn't get lost in recent violent riots.
"We are talking today because of the continuous killing of black men and women needs to be addressed. We are here today because of the inhumane, unusual treatment of black and brown people in this country," said Pastor Anderson.
Activist Andre Taylor who held a peaceful march of thousands of protestors on Saturday encouraged the city of Seattle to stay focused and not lose momentum.
"Seattle, the world and the country is looking at us because we are the first to bring police accountability in this country. We're the only state with a police accountability law so we need to take those next steps as a community while we're being looked at," said Taylor.
Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best says she wears her uniform with honor and believes her role as police chief is to promote justice.
"A day when we won't have to look at police as oppressors or a part of systemic racism, and knowing that we are moving forward to where officers and the community are working together," said Best.
Closing with prayers, some kneeled and some reached for the sky, all praying for a world where lives matter.
"Black people don't need a white superhero but white allies, so I appreciate those who came out," said attendee Hanz Juissance.