Protesters mobilize for rally and march in Olympia
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Several hundred people rallied and marched in Washington’s capital city Tuesday night.
The rally started at Heritage Park Fountain at 4pm. People brought signs and flowers in memory of George Floyd. Speakers spoke passionately against racism, violence and inequality.
The event was organized by the Washington Community Action Network.
Organizer Ty Brown said we need legislative action.
“I think the change is for lawmakers to actually finally listen to us and help us break down the system of white supremacy that fails us every single day. That's change,” said Brown. “It’s not going to happen today. It’s not going to happen tomorrow. It’s not going to happen with one policy. It’s with many policies, with people actually stepping up to the bat and getting off the fence and doing something about it.”
Troy Tillman came with his wife Jamie and daughter Sedona from Tacoma.
“People can come together from different races, different nationalities, different backgrounds and come together as one,” said Tillman. “This is what we need to role model I think across the nation.”
The protest continued on through the night with a march through downtown Olympia with stops at City Hall and the State Capitol.