Seattle officer injured, 4 protesters arrested in 'Black Lives Matter' demonstrations
SEATTLE -- Hundreds of people marched through downtown Seattle streets and shops as part of a 'Black Lives Matter' protest on Black Friday.
Police said they responded to "isolated skirmishes outside of Westlake Center and Pacific Place, resulting in minor property damage and the arrest of four people. In one case, a bicycle officer dislocated his shoulder when people in the crowd interfered with an arrest outside of Pacific Place. The officer was transported to a nearby hospital for emergency treatment."
The police said about 700 people took part in the demonstration, one of dozens around the country.
The protesters carried signs with pictures of black men killed by police and demanding an end to such killings. They also chanted that their message was more important than looking for holiday shopping deals, saying "Black lives matter — not Black Friday."
Hundreds took to the streets blocking downtown streets for hours. Shortly after they started their march, the protesters stormed Macy's where Q13 FOX News witnessed a verbal fight between protesters and a female shopper upset over the disruption.
The protesters also tried to push their way into Westlake mall causing officers to block the door.
When some protesters tried to pry the doors open officers called for back up. Dozens of bike cops used their bikes to form a barricade so protesters couldn't get in.
Police say one person was arrested there after trying to break the windows.
Last year, police arrested several people during the demonstration, which shut down the Westlake Center shopping mall early and disrupted its tree-lighting event.
Drivers caught up in the mess had mix feelings. One man said he was ok with the disruption as long as there wasn't any violence. Another man got into a fight with a protester frustrated over the traffic delay.
Protesters this year chanted during the tree lighting ceremony but did not disrupt the event like last year as hundreds of families with kids looked on.
Some say they support the movement but others say protesters are going about it in the wrong way.