Texting while driving documentary to be shown to U.S. students
As teenagers all over the country head back to school the filmmakers behind a new documentary are hoping it will inspire them to think twice before texting while driving.
Directed by legendary filmmaker Werner Herzog, the documentary 'From One Second To The Next,' tells the story of several people whose lives were impacted forever by distracted drivers who were texting.
The 35-minute film was commissioned by cellphone carrier AT&T.
It was released earlier this month and can be watched on the website, www.itcanwait.com.
On the site, teens can even make a pledge to never text and drive.
The site also shares some of the sobering statistics of texting while driving.
The film also on Youtube has already been seen by more than 2 million people.
The makers of the documentary hope to distribute it to some 40,000 schools across the country this year to spread their message.
Click here for a direct link to the website to watch the video and sign a pledge.