'The Real Housewife of Snohomish County' offers household tips, tricks and more
SEATTLE -- The traditional role of being a stay-at-home housewife has tarnished over the years as more and more spouses enter the workforce to cut their own path while others look down on the job as menial and Hollywood puts a spin on it with the cat-fighting "Real Housewives" reality TV series.
But Brian Baisch is proud to be "The Real Housewife of Snohomish County," blogging household tips (like how to get that mildew smell out of your towels), recipes and even a little political discourse (like his opinion of the DOMA decision).
As he told the Everett Herald, "I know I'm not a woman, but I live the life of a housewife. I run the household. I take care of the dogs and chickens and the garden and I volunteer."
The 33-year-old newlywed seems to love his life, but admits that being a housewife can be a "thankless job" and tells the Herald, "there's a reason I have wine with dinner most nights -- and sometimes during chores."
To follow Baisch, you can find him online via his blog, Facebook, take a look at his various household tips and tricks or learn one of his recipes on YouTube or follow him on Twitter.