Two local moms: We can all learn from Demi Lovato’s story of addiction, recovery and relapse
SEATTLE -- The local president of Hope Soldiers, a mother of two, knows firsthand about the recovery and struggle that pop singer Demi Lovato may be going through.
“I grew up in a middle-class family and when I was struggling with addiction, they thought counseling was maybe the right avenue, but no parents really know what to do,” says Lindsey Arrington, president of Hope Soldiers.
The mom of two knows that struggle and, now in recovery, she’s made it her mission to help those battling addiction.
“I think it’s imperative that people start to realize that addiction does not discriminate,” says Lindsey.
“It really hits home because I don’t see her as a celebrity. I just see her as another person, another human being that happened to become a victim to addiction,” says Lindsey.
Another mother, Marisa Carew, says her 21-year-old daughter has struggled with addiction for years. “She’s 21 and she’s expecting a baby and she’s currently on methadone,” says Marisa.
Marisa says she wants to see opioid reversing drugs more easily accessible to anyone in need.
“I’ve been down to Olympia three times and I’m like why? Why are we talking about this? Why isn’t it just made available,” says Marisa.
Both women say we can all learn something from 25-year-old Lovato’s story. That like addiction, relapses can happen to anyone.
“Relapse can mean your whole thought process just shifting backwards,” says Lindsey.
Lindsey says treating the addiction is about more than just the science behind the overdose.
“Personally, I think that it takes both science and faith for a person to be able to recover from something that huge,” says Lindsey.
Lovato recently celebrated six years of sobriety before revealing a drug relapse last month in her new song, "Sober." In the song, she apologizes to her fans for relapsing, and promises to get help.
If you or someone you love is struggling, Hope Soldiers encourages you to reach out: