Abdifatah Sulub: Store clerk accused of luring, sexually assaulting young girl

WANTED IN KING COUNTY -- Police are looking for Abdifatah Sulub for allegedly luring and sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl in the back of the store he was working at in Rainier Valley. Detectives said he was working as a clerk in the store when the girl came in to renew minutes on her mom's cell phone -- that's when investigators said he took her in the back and sexually assaulted her. "This is a situation where you take a person of trust -- a clerk working in the store -- but then he turns around and sexually molests a girl. He should know better. This is despicable. This is the kind of guy that needs to be arrested," retired detective Myrle Carner of Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound said. Sulub is easy to identify -- he has a "dead eye" -- and it probably frightened the young girl he is accused of assaulting. He's been fired from his job, but police can't find him anywhere. Sulub is 29-years-old and U.S. Marshals think he could be hiding in the Rainier Valley area. He also has a 4-year-old daughter with him and police are concerned about her safety. If you know where Abdifatah Sulub is hiding out, call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS. Your call is guaranteed to be anonymous and you could be in line for up to $1,000 cash reward for information leading to the arrest of Abdifatah Sulub. You can also text a tip here.