Help find 'Burns' and heal couple's heartbreak after newly adopted dog is stolen in front of their home

King County Sheriff’s deputies say they don’t have much information to go on after a family’s adopted dog was stolen, but they are hoping you can bring him home.

Take a look at ‘Burns.’ He’s an all grey American Bully with two little heart-shaped marks on his chest.

Burns was stolen on the morning of October 17th, when his owners who live on a large property in the Ravensdale neighborhood, let him and their other dog out to go potty. "I was standing by the doorway waiting for them to come back inside and we hear the brakes screech and my Rottweiler, Cade, runs inside scared," said Anyza Velazquez.

She didn’t see Burns, so she ran out to the front yard to call out for him, but he was gone. 

She and Lionel Martinez adopted Burns in August.

"My family hasn’t been the same ever since my dog’s been gone. We’re out constantly looking for our dog for hours. We’ve gone as far as putting signs on freeway entrances and walking through needle-infested homeless campsites looking for our dog,” said Martinez.

He says they’ve gotten some tips that Burns has been spotted in the Kent area.

They are offering a $2,000 reward to anyone who can help bring their boy home.

Call 911 if you have any information.