Help ID devastating business burglars who stole gutter maintenance company's checks, credit card and work van

WANTED IN TACOMA - Tacoma Police are hoping you can help identify a pair of burglars who hit a small business hard.
"On October 11th, two guys came rolling up on bikes and they kind of just were rolling around the neighborhood and they broke into our shop front door and then they came in, they looked around for a little bit and they left. Then they came back about an hour or two later and they went inside our shop and they just burglarized it. They stole business checks. They stole our credit card. They stole our van. They stole a bunch of tools and then they left," said Kyle Hawes.
He owns Gutter Maintenance Services. The front door to his office in the 3600 block of S. 54th St. in Tacoma is still boarded-up.
Kyle's work van was found the next day abandoned in the mud along Lakewood Drive W. in University Place, with all the tools inside gone and totally trashed. "We use that van to drive to people's houses and we install gutters, so without that van, we're out a job completely, which means our employees can't work. We can't work and nothing gets done," said Hawes.
The burglars didn't wear masks inside the building, so their faces are clear to see and they wore some pretty distinct clothes. "One of the suspects is wearing a black sweatshirt that has ‘Tacoma’ emblazoned right on the front. The other is in a gray sweatshirt, but their clothing is distinctive. We're hoping someone can look at these pictures and be able to say, ‘I know who that is’ and call Crime Stoppers, so our detectives could follow up and let these two have their day in court," said Tacoma Police Ofc. Wendy Haddow.
Somebody knows who these two suspects are and when you call Crime Stoppers of Tacoma-Pierce County to help tell Tacoma Police their names, you're going to pocket up to a $1,000 cash reward for each suspect you help get caught.
Call the hot line at 1-800-222-TIPS(8477), or use the P3 Tips app on your smart phone to submit the information.