18-year-old wanted for leaving scene of crash that killed teen girlfriend turns himself in

Nickolas Levi Mallow Greinke, an 18-year-old who is wanted for the vehicular homicide of his girlfriend, turned himself in at the Pierce County Jail on Feb. 14.

On Nov. 30, investigators say Greinke was driving his 1992 Toyota pickup in the 33000 block of 8th Ave. S. in Roy when he crossed the center line to pass another vehicle, hitting a Ford Mustang head-on. The driver of the Mustang later told detectives that Greinke was driving "at a high rate of speed."

The pickup ended up "mutilated" in a ditch.

Greinke's passenger, his 16-year-old girlfriend Zoey Wiseman, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Zoey Wiseman

According to witnesses at the scene, Greinke ran away from the crash and had a noticeable gash on his forehead. Witnesses say he returned to the scene at least three times to try and wake up his girlfriend, according to court documents. 

"You don't run away from your girlfriend when you know. You don't run away," Wiseman's grandmother, Jeanne Sison, told FOX 13 News. 

She said the pair had only been dating for three to four months. 

"I miss her a lot," Sison said. "I wake up every night in the middle of the night thinking about her. She was just so sweet. She always cared about everybody else before herself. I’m still mourning." 

Sison said she wants Greinke to take responsibility for his actions and turn himself in. 

"I want him to turn himself in. I don't hate you. I just want him to turn himself around and pay for what he did," she said. "I have no closure. I won't have any closure until he admits to what he did." 

The Pierce County Sheriff's Department issued a warrant, and on Feb. 14 Nick Greinke surrendered. Greinke is in the Pierce County Jail facing a vehicular homicide charge.

RoyPierce CountyCrime and Public Safety