2 arrested for selling caviar, poached fish
EVERETT -- Undercover detectives allegedly exposed two men for poaching and selling rare caviar recently, the Everett Herald reported.
According to the Herald, the two men "snagged" -- caught by dragging a hook that spears the fish -- more than 100 pounds of steelhead and sold endangered Missouri paddlefish caviar to undercover detectives. The men were booked Tuesday
with unlawful trafficking of fish. Both men have previously been indicted on selling the American paddlefish caviar from MIssouri.
Agents said the men were connected with a multi-state poaching ring. Both men were arrested after allegedly telling a federal agent they could find more than 100 pounds of steelhead. Non-tribal fishermen are bannded from selling the local fish, the Herald reported. They also allegedly offiered to sell five jars of caviar for $500.
Both men are expected to be charged in late August in Snohomish County Superior Court.
Paddlefish can live for decades and reach seven feet long. A species of rare Chinsese paddlefish may have been fished to extinction, prized for its roe.