2 suspects in 'documentary film' sex trafficking case arrested
REDMOND, Wash. -- Police have issued felony warrants for two people suspected of sex trafficking and prostitution. Three victims have come forward, but police say there may be more out there.
One of the suspects, David DeLay, 48, was taken into custody Monday night at Sea-Tac Airport, Redmond police said.
The other, Marysa Comer, 20, was arrested by the FBI at a Chicago hotel Tuesday, Redmond police said, adding that investigators are working with the FBI to begin her extradition process.
The female victims in this case were all contacted through social media sites. Some thought they were starting a romantic relationship with this couple. Others thought they were being hired to help with a documentary film. By the time they realized what was really happening, police say it was too late.
On social media sites, DeLay calls himself a writer/director with Grandpa’s RV Productions. Redmond police believe that’s how he lured victims into sex trafficking. He told them he was working on a documentary about the legalization of prostitution.
“The victims were promised a large amount of money for participating in the documentary films,” says Janessa Rosick, public information coordinator for the Redmond Police Department. “They would be set up at hotel rooms believing they were doing filming for the documentary.”
But police say the victims were actually being forced into prostitution. Sometimes it happened at the Lynnwood home that DeLay lived in. Sometimes it happened at hotels.
“It ranges all throughout Western Washington, and they’ve even looking at areas in Oregon and Florida.”
Detectives say Comer lived with DeLay in Lynnwood, and was also involved in the trafficking and manipulation of the girls.
“When the victims would try to get out of the situation and leave the Lynnwood residence, they’d say we’re going to post these photos on Facebook if you don’t come back, if you don’t keep your end of the deal.”
Detectives found postings that DeLay and Comer put on multiple online escort sites. Now they’re trying to figure out exactly how many victims there may be.
“The victims police have had contact with are all adults. But we do believe there were teenage girls involved.”