Fire at Skyway apartment complex displaces dozens of residents

Dozens of King County residents were displaced by an early-morning fire in the Skyway area. 

According to the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority, the fire started in an attic in a 24-unit apartment building on South 123rd Street. A portion of the roof collapsed, causing extensive water and smoke damage throughout the complex. 

Fire officials said about 24 adults and 6 children were displaced.  There was a bus on scene for the displaced residents to stay warm while crews worked to extinguish the fire. One minor injury was reported. Officials are investigating the cause of the fire. 


The Red Cross was on scene assisting, though most people said they would stay with friends or family. King County Fire District 20 spokesperson Eric Autry says many homes have been damaged by fire, water, or smoke.

Many people have started to drop off donations at the fire station for families and children displaced by the fire who will be affected right before the holidays. Autry says if others are interested, they can drop off donations at the station at 12424 76th Ave S. in Seattle, on Wednesday until 2-8 p.m., or on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Online donations to the Skyway Fund can be submitted here

Donated items for families displaced by a Skyway apt. complex fire. Credit: King County Fire District 20

Donated items for families displaced by a Skyway apt. complex fire. Credit: King County Fire District 20

Bryn Marr-Skyway