Are you a dog owner? Washington state is asking for your help

VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) — The Washington state Department of Health is asking dog owners for their help in tracking ticks.

The Columbian newspaper in Vancouver reports health officials want pet owners to go online and fill out a brief, anonymous survey about any ticks they find on their dogs.

Tick season has begun in Western Washington and health officials are working to keep track of tick-borne disease. The online reports are part of a multi-year research project.

"Many dog owners have found a tick or two on their furry friend after coming home from a walk outside," said Liz Dykstra, entomologist for the Department of Health. "We'd like to know more about when and where they've picked up ticks, and if their dog has ever been diagnosed with a tick-borne disease."

For more on ticks, visit the Department of Health website.