As summer approaches, signs displaying 'Seattle 'tude' pop up

SEATTLE -- Ah, an Emerald City summer. Gorgeous 80 degree days. Crystal clear skies. Cool mountain air.

And passive-aggressive residents cranky to outsiders?

This seems to be the case at least one Seattle bus stop. Q13 FOX News Producer Lauren Padgett spotted an interesting sign this morning at the stop near the intersection of Eastlake Avenue  East and Louisa Street East. The sign reads:

Dear summer interns & visitors: We queue for buses here. Please allow those who have been waiting longer to board the bus first. Thanks!

Padgett posted the picture to her Facebook page, and friends quickly jumped on the photo as an example of Seattleite's well-known passive-aggressive nature.

Of course, this isn't the first example of signs popping up allegedly "throwing shade" at visitors and new residents. Small signs were spotted recently in South Lake Union. The signs, stuck in unbagged piles of dog poo, reportedly said "This poo brought to you by Amazon," allegedly in reference to tech employees refusing to curb their dogs.

Padgett says she's seen signs like this around Eastlake before. This one, however, went above and beyond.

"The laminate and the twine is a whole other sign of thoughtfulness," Padgett said.

Some on Reddit, however, applauded the sign.

"I think it's a good idea to clue people in to aspects of local culture they may not immediately grasp," user MapsAreCool said.

And some have a sense of humor about the whole thing: