Congress plans vote to undo Obamacare
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House gets back to work today, and its first item to tackle is another vote to undo President Barack Obama's health care law.
It's no surprise that the president will veto the repeal bill, which also would cut money for Planned Parenthood. So Republicans plan to schedule a veto override vote for Jan. 22, when anti-abortion activists hold their annual march in Washington to mark the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in 1973 that legalized abortion.
The measure already has passed the Senate under special rules protecting it from Democratic obstruction.
Despite dozens of past votes to repeal the health law in full or in part, Republicans never before have succeeded in sending a full repeal bill to the White House.
The Senate reconvenes January 11, and early action will include a vote on a proposal by Sen. Rand Paul, the Kentucky Republican who is running for president, for an "audit" of the Federal Reserve. Democrats are likely to block it.