Cousins arrested for alleged plot to attack girlfriend, a mother of 2

BELLEVUE -- Police in Bellevue have arrested two cousins who allegedly concocted a plan to hire another man to assault a girlfriend of one of the men.
Investigators say Sergio Ruiz Lopez, 22, and Francisco Lopez Agudo, 39 were planning to pay a "hit man" with three ounces of heroin and $500, according to court documents.
The Eastside Narcotics Task Force and the Bellevue Police Department began the investigation last fall. They heard about a potential murder-for-hire plot from a confidential informant. But the two cousins changed their minds to make it a non-fatal attack.
The two men were arrested for conspiracy and solicitation of first-degree assault. Police say the cousins originally wanted the girlfriend murdered, but later changed their minds to have her shot in the leg and slashed in the face.
The suspects solicited an undercover officer acting as a hit man to assault the woman. They also told the officer it didn’t matter to them if the mother of two died in the attack.
Officers arrested the men in the University District without a struggle, and the intended victim was told of their alleged plans. One of the suspect's brothers was also arrested on a charge of rendering criminal assistance.