Drone hits Seattle's Great Wheel, crashes into nearby table; police looking for operator

SEATTLE -- A drone careened off Seattle's Great Wheel on Wednesday and then crashed into a table at the Fisherman’s Restaurant & Bar down below. Employees said the patio was closed and no one was injured.

Employees said they didn’t find any damage to the wheel, but they stopped operations to inspect it and quickly got it running again.

Seattle police are now examining the drone and trying to figure out who owns it.

“This is a no-fly zone, so whoever is responsible, not exactly sure what’s going to happen, but everything is fine and operations will continue as normal,” said Great Wheel security officer Wayman Earls.

This isn’t the first drone mishap in Seattle. While no one may have been hurt in this incident, in June a drone knocked a woman unconscious during the Pride Parade.

The drone operator in that case faced charges of reckless endangerment.

John Sweeney came with his family to enjoy the Great Wheel but heard what happened, sparking conversation about how to keep this from happening again.

“It’s crazy; I wouldn’t think somebody would be flying a drone around this area,” said Sweeney. “Maybe they should post signs up and put it out to the public.”

Police said the drone owner or operator hasn’t come forward.

Officials with the FAA said the federal agency will investigate.