Earth Day 2022: An inside look at the greenest building in the world

Here in the Pacific Northwest, we're known as leaders in technology when it comes to creating environmentally friendly buildings, and a true example of that is the Bullitt Center in Seattle's Capitol Hill.

The building stands six stories high and is billed as the greenest building in the world. 575 rooftop solar panels generate more electricity than the center can use. The water for the 52-thousand square foot building is from recycled rainwater. And the building is heated by geothermal wells deep in the earth.

The idea for the 9-year-old building was created by Denis Hayes, the CEO of the Bullet Center. And just as important, Hayes, is the founder of Earth Day. He says we have plenty of work to do to save the climate.  Earth Day was founded in 1970.

RELATED: Earth Day 2022: How it started and how to celebrate

Public tours are offered at the Bullitt Center.  Please check available dates and times.