Family, doctors say burned firefighter Daniel Lyon is making slow progress

SEATTLE -- The firefighter severely injured in a Washington wildfire that killed three of his comrades is making progress, but he's not out of danger yet.

His doctor and parents said at a news conference in Seattle on Tuesday that Daniel Lyon is responding well to his treatment. But the 25-year-old is in constant pain from the treatment of burns he suffered over 60 percent of his body on Aug. 19 and infections are a constant worry for burn victims.

Dr. Tom Pham predicted Lyon would spend at least another two months in Harborview Medical Center healing from skin grafts and training his body to move again. Pham says he expects Lyon to have a full recovery and return to work and life.

Daniel Sr. and Barbara Lyon say their son is just starting to regain his sense of humor and really appreciates the messages they read to him from people around the state and the nation.