FBI arrests Seattle man accused of bomb threat to Portland police precinct
SEATTLE - Authorities on Wednesday arrested a Seattle man accused of threatening to detonate a bomb he said was planted inside a Portland, Oregon police precinct.
According to the charging documents, Kyle Tornow allegedly used the Portland Police TrackIT system to claim he had planted explosives inside one of the city's police precincts:
"Using an alias, TORNOW claimed he had planted a bomb that was 'undetectable' to canine searchers and that if he were caught, 'others will take my place and immediately detonate the bomb.' The communication claimed it was a “'felony threat' and needed to be taken 'seriously to avoid death.'"
FBI Agents arrested the 36-year-old man and he appeared Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Seattle.
According to the Department of Justice, making a threat to damage or destroy a building is punishable by up to ten years in prison and a $250,000 fine.