For Bellevue family facing cancer, 'stay home order' is a blessing

BELLEVUE, Wash. -- There is no doubt, it can be challenging spending day after day inside our homes, either with our families or by ourselves. But for one family in Bellevue, the stay home order has actually been a blessing.

47-year old Annie Frechtling has late stage lung cancer. It has spread to other parts of her body. The stay home order has given her more precious time with her husband three sons, a 12-year-old and 10-year-old twins.

Her husband Dan Frechtling said, “For us in this time in this place, it’s an absolute blessing to be together around Annie with everyone focused on her.”

Photo courtesy of Dan Frechtling

Annie's friends also wanted to show her how much they love her.  So they created a parade. The caravan of 70 cars, rolled past the Frechtling home with Annie in a wheelchair out front.

Friends decorated many of the cars for Annie. Some people held signs of love. Others played music. Several blew kisses and gave long-distance "air hugs".

It made the family feel so connected, while still social distancing.

courtesy Dan Frechtling

courtesy Dan Frechtling

“I was in awe of the outpouring of support and affection and tribute and appreciation for my wife,” said her husband Dan. "We were so touched. We were speechless. It was probably one of Annie’s last experiences before she was too weak to move or get around at all, so I cherish that. I can’t tell you how meaningful that is."

We may all been living in isolation right now, but Annie Frechtling and her family are not alone.

Q13 learned about this story from Cancer Pathways, a Seattle-based nonprofit supporting people facing cancer and their families. To learn more, click here: Cancer Pathways.