Free admission to Mount Rainier for holiday weekend

MOUNT RAINIER - What to do this holiday weekend? Why not head to Mount Rainier, where it's free admission Saturday, Sunday and Monday - President's Day. Mount Rainier N.P. and all 401 national parks are allowing free entry to honor our nation's leaders and their accomplishments.
The usual park admission fee is $15 per car (for a 7-day pass). As of noon Friday, Paradise had a whopping 120 inches of snow, and the forecast is for more snow this weekend, the Tribune reported. The road to Paradise is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting.
Many of our nation's national parks have a direct connection to a president, including birthplaces, homes, monuments, memorials and historic sites. According to the National Parks Service website ( the White House, a national park, has been the residence of every United States president except George Washington.