Freight House Square arson suspect arrested

A man accused of setting at least one fire at Freight House Square has been arrested by Tacoma Police thanks to a tip from Crime Stoppers. 

According to the Tacoma Police Department (TPD), at around 4:30 a.m. on March 8, crews responded to a fire near the corner of E 26th St. and E D St. As they were knocking down the flames, firefighters noticed that the Freight House Square building nearby was also on fire.

Authorities eventually found surveillance video of the suspect starting the FHS fire. They also believe he is the one responsible for starting the fire on E 26th St.

Damage caused by the Freight House Square fire is estimated to cost $15,000 to $20,000. 

On March 14, a tipster who had seen the Crime Stoppers bulletin noticed a person near the area of S. 25th Street and S. J St. that matched the description of the suspect. They flagged down an officer, informing police of the man's whereabouts. 

Officers caught up to the suspect after a short chase.

The 31-year-old was booked into Pierce County Jail for first-degree arson. 

He has not yet been identified or charged.

TacomaCrime and Public Safety