Give Thanks, Give Life month raises awareness for organ donation
November celebrates "Give Thanks, Give Life Month" nationally, and is a time to raise awareness about the need for organ donation.
In the Pacific Northwest region alone, more than 3,200 people are hoping for a second chance at life.
Q13 recently spoke with Sarah Perez, an Orting mom who received a life-saving lung transplant in March. Perez's lungs were damaged due to cystic fibrosis, and she had been on the waiting list more than two years.
Perez spoke with us in an effort to encourage others to become organ donors.
"Each breath is literally a blessing. And to my donor, thank you, and gratitude to my donor, there's not a word in the English language that could suffice for how grateful I am to be here, and hopefully honor my donor by living life to the fullest, living life with my family, doing things and giving back," says Perez.
Perez now volunteers at a hospital and shares her story to raise awareness.
If you'd like more information, click here.