Heavy round of snow in Snohomish County brought joy for some, plenty of work for others

On Tuesday, road crews working for Snohomish County Public Works were well into 24/7 coverage, which meant employees took 12-hour shifts to keep every county plow operating day and night.

"We’re in full-swing," said Jim Parker, the road maintenance director. "I know folks can get frustrated about this time when there is constant snow. It’s hard for us to get to every neighborhood – so when it snows we try to hit primary routes and secondary routes."

Parker said they will get into every neighborhood, but it takes time. The overnight temps are not making anything easier – when the ice hits across the entire county, that’s a major challenge.

Snohomish County Public Works is responsible for more than 1,500 miles of roads throughout the county: it’s spread out and some of those sections are several lanes wide.

"It takes some patience," said Parker.


Snohomish County crews clear 9,000+ miles of road ahead of snowfall

As snow and ice hit major Snohomish County roads, the county has every plow working around the clock in an attempt to keep up with challenges on the road.

Elsewhere, homeowners are just trying to tackle their own sidewalks.

John Downs, who lives in Snohomish, was out shoveling for more than a half-hour on Tuesday. It wasn’t the first time this week, either.

"Trying to get the walk clean," said Downs. "I also keep the car cleaned off in case we have to go somewhere, so far I’ve been able to keep up."

Downs estimated he had 3-4 inches fall on Tuesday morning at his home. The real trouble for him was a drive to the airport to pick up his daughter – though, she appreciated the snow.

"They were out playing in it," he said. "They’re college-age, but they still like playing in it."

His kids aren’t the only ones. At Willis D. Tucker park in Snohomish, there were droves of children sledding down hills.

"It’s a great place for kids to sled," said Rayna Ream, as she watched 8-year-old Ella and 6-year-old Levi head down the hill on a tandem sled.

"I’m cold and ready to go home, but they keep going. They love it, they’d stay out here all day if I let them," Ream said.