How many Bitcoins for a double non-fat latte?

EVERETT - Want your morning latte in a hurry? Then swing on by Marathon Coffee, where the digital currency wave has come to Everett. Coffee lovers can use Bitcoin, the not-so-new digital currency, to pay for their java drinks.

"What's Bitcoin?" you might ask. It's a digital form of currency, which is encrypted to create a secure, reliable system of currency, the Herald of Everett reported. In early July, Marathon Coffee became one of the first, possibly THE first, retail business in the area to take Bitcoin.

Starting in 2009 Bitcoin made headlines as customers used the digital currency to pay for goods and services. At least one college is taking tuition payment in bitcoin, the Herald reported.

Transactions are often done using a smartphone and unique visual identifiers called QR codes. And unlike credit or debit cards, bitcoin transactions do not reveal any consumer information, the Herald said.

Marathon Coffee had its first customer paying in bitcoins last weekend, the Herald reported. A Canadian traveler, staying at a nearby hotel, paid about 0.0067 of a bitcoin, equivalent to $4.25 at the time, for a white chocolate mocha.