Identity theft tops list of Top 10 consumer complaints

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Identity theft is the Federal Trade Commission’s top consumer complaint again this year, according to its annual report on consumer complaints released Thursday.

The commission received more than two million complaints in 2013, and about 14% of them were related to identity theft. The highest reported age group for identify theft is 20-29, with 20% of complaints.

Americans reported losing more than $1.6 billion to fraud last year.

The FTC's mission is to prevent business practices that are anticompetitive or deceptive or unfair to consumers; to enhance informed consumer choice and public understanding of the competitive process; and to accomplish this without unduly burdening legitimate business activity.

Listed below are America's Top 10 Consumer related complaints to the FTC, and the percentage they made up over overall complaints to the organization.


10. Advance Payment for Credit Services -- 2%

9. Televeision and Electronic Media -- 3%

8. Shop at home and catalog sales -- 3%

7. Auto related complaints -- 4%

6. Prizes, sweepstakes and lotteries -- 4 %

5. Telephone and mobile services -- 6%

4. Imposter Scams -- 6%

3. Banks and Lenders -- 7%

2. Debt Collection -- 10%

1. Identity Theft -- 14%

The Federal Trade Commission advises anyone who sports a scam , is the victim of identity theft or other fraud-related issues to file a complaint online with the agency’s Complaint Assistant or call 1-877-FTC-HELP.