King county sees more than double the number of animal cruelty cases in 2020 compared to last year

King County officials report a spike in animal cruelty cases this year equal to both 2019’s and 2018’s numbers combined.

As of December 3rd, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office filed 19 cases in 2020. These are cases that involved one or more counts of animal cruelty.

“We’re seeing severe neglect on a larger scale as well as increased violence and abuse against animals as well,” said Tali Smith, a deputy prosecuting attorney for King County.

For some folks their pets are like family, and hearing these numbers is hard to imagine.

“That’s really disappointing,” said Jesann Spanni.

Seattle Animal Shelter officials say they are also seeing a raise in animal cruelty reports.

Officials say there are multiple factors that play into the increase in numbers.

“People perpetrating these {animal cruelty incidents} aren’t telling us why they are. So, we can’t attest to if it is actually caused by the pandemic. Tensions are high and so people are committing violence overall. We’ve seen a rise in violence across the board,” said Smith.

For folks looking to help out there are a few options.

The Seattle Animal Shelter has a wish list where you can purchase items they need.

You can also donate to the Seattle Animal Shelter foundation.
