Long line of last minute voters in Pierce County

Just one day before Election Day, last minute voters lined up at the Pierce County Elections Office in Tacoma.

"I'm 40 years old and I was thinking to myself, I've never voted. I'm 40 years old so I just wanted to vote, I thought it'd be citizen-like," said Curtis Taylor.

Some came to register and vote and others came to pick up their ballots at the one-stop-shop voting center. It was all done safely from voters' cars amid the coronavirus pandemic.

"It makes it somewhat easier. You're away from everybody and lines are kind of a pain. I think it makes it a lot easier," said Andrew Rivera.

Taylor adds, "I like it. I'm kind of a nervous guy around people so if I can stay somewhat sheltered from people, I feel more comfortable."

This year's election is expected to be a historic one. Voter turnout is at nearly 70%  in Pierce County as of Monday.

"The reason why I'm doing it in person is because it's more of an impact to see how much people are out and I feel proud. I want to put a face to a vote compared to just mailing in a vote," said Miguel Nelson.

While we can't all agree on the issues and candidates in this year's election, voters can all agree that every vote counts, even if it's last minute.

"It's a choice that we're given and you have to make your opinion count," said Rivera.

The Pierce County Elections Office is open on Election Day from 8:30 a.m.- 8 p.m.

2020 ElectionPierce CountyWashington