Mall suspect 'creepy, rude and obnoxious'

BURLINGTON, Wash. — A neighbor and high school acquaintance of the suspect in the deadly Washington state mall shooting says he was "creepy, rude and obnoxious."

Amber Cathey, 21, lives in an apartment in Oak Harbor, Washington, next to the apartment where 20-year-old Arcan Cetin lived and told The Associated Press she was so frightened by him that she complained to apartment management and kept a Taser by her front door.

She says she tried avoid him by walking the long way around to her apartment if she saw his car in parking lot.

Cathey says she blocked him on Snapchat after he sent her a photo of his crotch.

The two went to high school together, where Cathey says Cetin displayed "socially inept" behavior.

Cetin was arrested Saturday following the shootings Friday in Burlington, Washington, that left five dead.