Masks required as Thurston County moves to Phase 2

OLYMPIA -- Starting Thursday (May 28), people are required to wear masks in public in Thurston County as it moves to Phase 2 of the state's reopening plan.

Acting health officer Dr. Diana Yu issued the directive Wednesday as hair and nail salons, retails shops and restaurants are allowed to reopen with restrictions.

"It`s more important than ever that people be cautious, responsible, and considerate of others," Yu said.

You are required to cover your nose and mouth with a face covering -- both indoors and outdoors -- when you can't maintain at least 6 feet of distancing from other people who aren't in your household, unless you are eating or drinking.

People can use fabric coverings, such as cloth face masks, scarves, and bandana coverings or other material as recommended by CDC. N95 masks are still reserved for health care providers.

Exceptions include:

    Businesses must post signage stating that masks are required.

    County health officials said there is no penalty for not wearing a mask, as it's more about education and not enforcement.