Naval shipyard to hire more than 1,000

Photo courtesy of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility

SEATTLE -- The Kitsap Sun reported the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility announced that it will be hiring 1,073 helper trainees in all trades.

The shipyard workforce underwent a hiring freeze Jan 28 and never returned to full staff, the Sun said. At the same time, 600 people who had been interviewed and were going to be offered jobs were shut out. Then in June, a commanding officer had to call back managers with mechanic backgrounds to assist with the delivery of three submarines and an aircraft carrier. He was later authorized to hire more than 250 workers to replace those who quit or retired during the freeze, the paper reported.

The upcoming budget debate for the next fiscal year, which starts Oct. 1, could once again ban hiring.

Read more about the hiring here.