Options for staying safe during Thanksgiving

With about two weeks before Thanksgiving, officials are  offering options and suggestion on how to stay safe this year.

This week, the CDC released guidance for celebrating Thanksgiving. They suggest, if you are celebrating with people, to keep your gatherings size.

Thanksgiving is one of the biggest travel days of the year. Due to COVID-19, travelling can be a reason for concern. So, officials are offering folks options for peace of mind.

At Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, ticketed passengers can get a COVID-19 test on-site. Results are can be received as early as the day of the test, or the very next day. The test costs $250.

There are other testing options available as well.

In both Seattle and King County there are free testing sites.

Due to increased demande for testing, Seattle City officials say to expect wait times at testing locations upward to one hour.

For some folks, COVID-19 is on their mind as they get ready to travel.

"Definitely a little anxious because of the virus and everything," said Jack Hanskat.

Hanskat is a student at the University of Washington. He says he'll be travelling home to California for the first time since arriving on campus.

"I'm more worried about bringing something back to my parents. So, I'm going to get tested before I go," he said.

However, for some folks getting home this Thanksgiving is just not possible.

"Massachusetts quarantine is about two weeks. So, I'd have to leave pretty much now, and that's just not feasible for me," said Tim Lee a student at the University of Washington.

NewsHolidaysCOVID-19 in WashingtonTravel