People consider changing Thanksgiving plans due to surge in COVID-19 cases

As COVID-19 cases continue to skyrocket across the country, some folks are considering changing their Thanksgiving plans. The Centers for Disease Control says in the last seven days, there have been more than a million reported cases of COVID-19.

For Sharon Leary, that’s making her question her holiday plans.

“I haven’t canceled my flight yet,” she said. “But it’s looking more likely like I’m going to,” Leary added.

Leary lives in Seattle, but she’s from Philadelphia.

She says being 3000 miles away from her family is tough; the pandemic has made seeing them this year much harder. She looked forward to seeing her folks during the holidays.

“It gave me a little bit of hope,” she said.

However, with the rise in cases, Leary says she will now most likely be staying home for Thanksgiving.

“I think it’s sad to not see them {her family}. I think it’s sad to break traditions. But I think I also want to look on the bright side of things,” she said.

The CDC recommends celebrating Thanksgiving only with the people who live in your household. Opening your doors to anyone else increases the chances of getting and spreading COVID-19.

Officials say traveling does the same thing.

The CDC suggests if you do travel, wear a mask; get a flu shot, and be aware of restrictions for cities and states you are traveling to.

If you do have an in-person celebration, The CDC recommends having your gathering outside, keeping the guest list small, and have people bring their own food and drinks.

For more information on the CDC’s Thanksgiving recommendations, click here.