Perseid meteor shower 'outburst' this week - here's how to watch
The Perseid meteor shower will burst into light throughout the month of August -- but it's predicted to be at its best later this week, according to NASA.
The Perseids will be in "outburst" mode this month, which means they'll appear at double the normal rates.
Forecasters expect the outburst to be double normal rates on the nights of August 11 and 12. Instead of 80 Perseids per hour, the rate could approach 200 per hour, according to NASA.
An outburst occurs when Earth passes through the heart of the tail of the comet Swift-Tuttle as it orbits the sun. The last outburst occurred in 2009, according to NASA.
While the peak will be Aug. 11-12, some meteors should be visible on the 10th and 13th.
No equipment is necessary to watch the spectacle. It's recommended you find a dark sky in a rural area away from artificial lighting. If you can't escape the city, try a golf course or a park. And don't forget to look up!