Police warn about rash of burglaries in Sammamish

SAMMAMISH -- Police in Sammamish are warning neighbors about a rash of home burglaries.

There have been eight break-ins in since August first and officers there are asking neighbors to be on high alert!

Phillip Cady knows firsthand what it's like to be a victim of burglars and to make matters worse his wife and two young daughters nearly came face to face with the thieves.

"My wife came home and we're pretty sure that they were still in the house because they had a car parked out back here and were just offloading stuff into the car,” Sammamish burglary victim Phillip Cady said.

Police say this recent rash of burglaries is happening during the day while homeowners are at work or school.

They get in by breaking windows and kicking in doors.

They take anything of value they carry away and usually have a car parked nearby.

A car believed to be a suspect's vehicle was caught on surveillance video.

It's a late 90s model silver Mercedes coup and police want everyone to keep an eye out for it.

"People do tend to think this is very safe. They might be not as careful because they think they live in a safe environment,” neighbor Kariann Yokoyama said.

Police say it is safe, but burglaries can happen anywhere and neighbors here have to take steps to protect themselves and their home.

"We make sure things are locked. We started using our alarm again just because those things are happening, so we're making sure things are safe,” neighbor David Waddleton said.

That's good advice, but even better, officers say you should get to know your neighbors.

"The more you know your neighbors the better off you are, because you tend to talk to each other, report to each other what you've seen and when you do see something out of the ordinary in your neighborhood, give us a call, 911,” King County Sheriff’s Sgt. Eric Franklin said.