Raw emotions, tough questions as Marysville high school moves forward

MARYSVILLE  -- Tears continue to fall at the memorial outside Marysville-Pilchuck High School. The fence around the school, a wall of emotions, already is beginning to show its wear.

Hundreds of parents from around the district came out Tuesday night to listen and to be heard.

"We face a big challenge, but we are still working hard on our issues. From a tribal standpoint, we handles things a lot different. We are very private about it, but you will hear very shortly how we handle all these issues," said one tribal leader.

They gathered inside the high school gymnasium to give thanks to first-responders.  And after the claps, came the questions.  How are the children coping? And how, as parents, can they help them heal.

While the parents hold their meetings, the students are gathering and reflecting, too.

Nate Hatch, a victim of the school cafeteria shooting at the hands of his own cousin Jaylen Fryberg, tweeted Tuesday: "it's hard to accept the fact that i will never see (female victims) zoe or gia ever again.. Pray for pilchuck.."

While there are emotions to be addressed, there are logistics that must be acknowledged, too, with school back in session next Monday.

"Do you have kids eating all over the school (instead of in the closed cafeteria)? Do you have students eating in the gym? What happens to practices? Those kinds of things. So we need to make that decision very quickly because Monday morning is coming," said a school official.

It's about making it through -- and mending fences along the way. The same sentiments are echoed by the writing on the wall.

"That is a very organic memorial where people are putting what they feel from their hearts -- and I think that's appropriate."