SCARY VIDEO: Burglars bust through front door of a Pierce County home with gun drawn
GRAHAM, Wash. – An armed thief broke into a home in Pierce County, and sheriff's detectives said he and his cohort got onto the fenced property by driving in behind a UPS driver making a delivery.
The thieves are then caught on surveillance video, busting into Joe Phillips home in Graham with weapons drawn.
“It’s concerning; it’s extremely scary for my wife,” said Phillips.
Phillips believes they were ready to shoot anyone inside. While he was too nervous to show his face on camera, he said he’s been sharing his surveillance video with anyone who will watch, including on social media, where thousands have already shared.
The video shows the burglars following the delivery driver through a secured gate, first to go after a package but then caught doing a lot more.
“These guys had bigger plans,” said Pierce County sheriff’s detective Ed Troyer. “They broke into the house and committed a residential burglary while armed.”
Troyer said the best mode of defense against the criminals is to make your home seem more secure, with visible security cameras or signs.
While cameras and even a secured gate didn’t stop these thieves, Phillips and sheriff’s deputies hope someone will recognize them.
“They need to be caught,” said Phillips. “They are going to hurt somebody or kill somebody or they are going to get hurt or killed themselves.”
Crime Stoppers is offering a reward of up to $1,000 to help catch the thieves. The number to call is 1-800-222-TIPS.