Seattle moms form support group for parents of murdered children

Two Seattle area moms are starting a new chapter of healing after their sons were taken by violence in separate murders.

On Tuesday, they launched the Washington chapter of Parents of Murdered Children (POMC), a nationwide support network for grieving families to find community.

"I just remember being in shock and not knowing a lot of people—if any—that had lost their children," Falana Young said.

Young’s son, Dwone, was shot and killed in 2014.

"There was therapy, but as far as support groups, I couldn’t find any." She said. "That was difficult. It was difficult to navigate because I felt alone."

Alicia Dassa lost her son Conner in 2020 in a shooting right outside their home. His killer still hasn’t been caught.

"We literally came home from the hospital and were like, ‘okay, what do we do?’" Dassa said.

She describes a limited support network, with few resources available outside of a small packet provided by a social worker at the hospital. They were offered therapy, too.

"But when we called, the waiting lists were like six months to a year," She said.

Things changed when she heard there was a support group for parents experiencing the loss of their children, just not in Washington.

"We were lucky enough to go to [a] conference in 2021, and when we did, it was like, you felt normal," Dassa said. "You felt like all the people that were around you knew exactly how you were feeling."

Recognizing the value of this newfound community, Dassa and Young, along with several other mothers, began the process of bringing that group home.

On Sept. 18, the handful of mothers launched the first Washington Chapter meeting of POMC—a milestone, considering the next closest chapter was once Portland.

The pair describe how valuable this community can be to others navigating the loss of their children.

"I can give them feedback on what I went through and give them encouragement," Young said. "Then they can also see, ‘Okay, nine years later, she’s still here, she’s still thriving.’"

"Yes, it’s difficult," Young said. "There’s other people going through what you’re going through and being able to share that experience lightens the load."

For more information on attending a meeting, email or call (564) 229-2841.