Security expert: Attempted pipe bombings happen 'more frequently' than you'd think
SEATTLE -- A number of suspected explosive packages, addressed to former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other prominent Democrats were intercepted across the country.
A law enforcement official says the devices appear to be basic, but functional.
“Pipe bombings and attempted pipe bombings and other explosive devices happen more frequently than you would imagine,” says security expert, Jeffrey Slotnick.
Slotnick says right now investigators are disarming and deconstructing those bombs.
“They are looking to find clues of who the bomber is, that would include DNA evidence, the parts and components that are used to build these devices and look for a signature unique to the bomber,” says Slotnick.
Local politicians, including Governor Jay Inslee, Senator Patty Murray and Senator Maria Cantwell, all say they are not aware of any increase in threats or security issues and they're operating as normal.
Slotnick says the most important takeaway from all of this is that our system worked.
“None of these devices made it to their intended target. Every one of them was discerned either through the mail room where the device was found or people who were familiar with mail security procedures. In this case, it’s obvious the equipment was there, the policies and procedures were there, they were followed and the devices were identified and immediately removed so they could not cause any harm to anyone,” says Slotnick.